Ex parte MORITA et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-0613                                                          
          Application No. 08/226,539                                                  

          basis in JPA ‘942 for the examiner’s conclusion that both                   
          references “. . . deal with silicone resins which contain                   
          epoxy functional silicone release agents.” (brief, pages 5-6).              
               “When it is necessary to select elements of various                    
          teachings in order to form the claimed invention, we ascertain              
          whether there is any suggestion or motivation in the prior art              
          to make the selection made by the applicant.”  In re Gorman,                
          933 F.2d 982, 986, 18 USPQ2d 1885, 1888 (Fed. Cir. 1991).                   
          Although we agree with the examiner that the epoxy-functional               
          siloxane component (A) of Griswold functions as a release                   
          additive to control adhesion (column 2, lines 55-60; column 3,              
          lines 42-51; column 4, lines 49-56), we do not find that JPA                
          ‘942 discloses “clearly functional equivalent epoxy-siloxane                
          release agents” (answer, page 5).  The examiner has not                     
          pointed out any disclosure or teaching in JPA ‘942 that                     
          discloses or suggests that the “copolymer epoxy bond-                       
          containing organopolysiloxanes” of JPA ‘942 function as                     
          release agents.  Comparative Examples 5 and 6 on pages 14-15                
          of the JPA ‘942 translation do teach that “it was not possible              
          to remove the molding from the metal mold” when the silicone                
          resin component was omitted (Comparative Example 5) or when                 

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