Ex parte MORITA et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-0613                                                          
          Application No. 08/226,539                                                  

          the epoxy resin was omitted (Comparative Example 6).  However,              
          JPA ‘942 fails to disclose or teach the function of component               
          (b), the copolymer epoxy bond-containing organopolysiloxane                 
          that the examiner urges is “equivalent” to the epoxy-siloxane               
          release agent of Griswold.  Accordingly, we find no suggestion              
          or motivation to modify the applied references in the manner                
          proposed by the examiner.                                                   
               We conclude that the examiner’s legal conclusion of                    
          obviousness is not supported by the facts and thus cannot                   
          stand.  In re Warner, 379 F.2d 1011, 1017, 154 USPQ 173, 178                
          (CCPA 1967).  Accordingly, the examiner’s rejection of claims               
          7 through 14 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over JPA                 
          ‘942 in view of Griswold is reversed.                                       
               Appealed claims 18 through 27 stand rejected over the                  
          same combination of references as discussed above further in                
          view of JPA ‘655.  The examiner applies JPA ‘655 to show that               
          the process of preparation recited in claim 18 (claim 18 is                 
          dependent on claim 7) is “known in the art” (answer, page 5).               
          However, the examiner has not pointed to any disclosure or                  
          teachings in JPA ‘655 that would remedy the deficiencies                    
          discussed above with regard to the combination of JPA ‘942 and              

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