Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 2

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   


                     The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for processing either                     
              single-bit or multi-bit images in a scaler/normalizer section of an image processing                     
              system.  The invention may be used for processing black and white pixel data or gray                     
              scale data and scaling using both adjacent pixel and adjacent scan line methodologies.                   
              The invention is disclosed as using a combination of two ROMs, a current pixel ROM R-1                   
              and a previous pixel ROM R-2, which may be programmed with any number and                                
              combination of scaling algorithms.  The ROMs are programmed to include a table for each                  
              algorithm which maps actual input pixel values to new pixel values according to the stored               
              algorithm which is embodied in the table.  The use of the ROMs is disclosed to be faster                 
              since the values are precalculated, stored and addressed by the system.  The system is                   
              also flexible due to the interchangability of the ROMs for new or different algorithms.                  
                     Appellants have indicated that claims 2, 7-10, 14, 15, 17, and 23-26 do not stand or              
              fall together.  Appellants also indicate that claims 27-29 stand or fall with claim 26.  (Brief          
              at page 5.)                                                                                              
                     Independent claim 23 is representative of the invention and reproduced as follows:                

                     23.  An arrangement for extracting and processing single-bit or multi-bit image data              
                     to form an array of re-scaled pixel data, this arrangement being part of a                        
                     Normalizer/Scaler stage in an image lift/processing system, and including:                        


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