Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 7

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

              parent independent claim 24, which was not rejected).  From a review of the specification                
              at page 15, paragraph 3, page 16, paragraph 2, and the prior art, it is clear that the "scale            
              factor" is disclosed to be an input to select the stored algorithm to be used in scaling the             
              pixel data.  Therefore, this reason for the § 112 rejection is reversed.                                 
                     With respect to issue (c), the parallel input of the addresses to the ROMs, it is clear           
              from a review of figure 1 and the supporting description in the specification that the                   
              purpose of the input of data in parallel to the ROMs is to have the stored data addressed                
              simultaneously for output and subsequent processing by the adder and latch.   The parallel               
              input of the data to the ROMs would have been clear to skilled                                           
              artisans with respect to proper operation thereof. Therefore, this reason for the § 112                  
              rejection is reversed.                                                                                   
                     With respect to issue (d), "variable" and "flexible," we do not find these terms in the           
              rejected claims or the parent independent claim 24.  Therefore, there is no basis for                    
              the rejection in the language of the claims.  We do find the claim language in                           

              independent claims 23 and 25 which were not rejected by the Examiner.  We find that                      
              these are merely asserted statements of advantages of the invention which would not be                   
              given patentable weight unless there is some structure in the language of the claim which                
              provides for the functionality of the advantage.  The disclosed functionality is provided by             


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