Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 3

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

                            flexible, variable scaler means for storing a number of different selectible               
                     [sic] scaling algorithms; scaler-output means; and input means for receiving                      
                     scanned lines of pixel data and feeding it sequentially line-by-line, pixel-by-pixel to           
                     said scaler means; and input means also including "scale factors" for selecting a                 
                     said algorithm; said scaler means including mapping means for executing a two-                    
                     dimensional mapping of adjacent pixel values and adjacent scan line values; said                  
                     arrangement also including command store means for storing said scaling                           
                     algorithms with a command register input for said scale factors;                                  
                            wherein said scaler means also includes a First ROM R-1 input by said input                
                     means for storing pixel values at prescribed addresses; a Second ROM R-2 for                      
                     similarly storing previous pixel values, being input in parallel with First ROM R- 1;             
                     Latch means to which said ROMs are output; and pixel Count means reset with                       
                     each new scan line;                                                                               
                            wherein a "current pixel" value is input to a prescribed address in said First             
                     ROM, along with a "pixel count" number from said Count means, and an associated                   
                     scale factor; and                                                                                 
                            wherein Adder means is interposed between said ROMs and said Latch                         
                     means to execute addition mapping.                                                                
                     The prior art references of record relied upon by the Examiner in rejecting the                   
              appealed claims are:                                                                                     
                     Ohuchi               4,907,284                   Mar. 06, 1990                                    
                     Hackett et al. 5,140,648                  Aug. 18, 1992                                           
                     Claims 2, 7-10, 14, 15, 17, and 23-29 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                     
              being unpatentable over Ohuchi in view of Hackett.                                                       

                     Claims 7-10 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112 first paragraph, as being  based                 
              upon a lack of written description.                                                                      


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