Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 11

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

              (Figure 5: A, note the previous pixel numbers being stored), being input in parallel with the            
              first ROM (note the parallel input of Figure 5: B and A);[l]atch means to which the ROMs                 
              are output (Figure 6: 25 and 27)."   (See Answer at page 6,  paragraph 2.)  From a review                
              of Hackett, it is clear that Hackett discloses "registers" A and B which temporarily store               
              data input thereto.  (See col. 6.)   This data is then processed by the subtractors.  This is            
              not the same as a "second ROM R-2 for similarly storing previous pixel values, being input               
              in parallel with first ROM R-1" as set forth in claim 23.   Furthermore, Hackett does not                
              teach the input of the current pixel value to a prescribed address in a first ROM.  The                  
              registers of Hackett are not disclosed as being addressed in the functioning of the scaler.              
              Hackett discloses that the registers are input the number of needed pixels.  Alternatively,              
              the claimed invention sets forth that the                                                                
              "current pixel value is input to a prescribed address in said first ROM."   It is clear that the         
              pixel data forms part of the address for addressing the new pixel data which is                          
              already stored in the ROM.  The ROMs set forth in the claims do not receive data                         

              values and store them as Hackett discloses.  This is significant since the ROM  is Read                  

              Only Memory.  The ROMs store the pixel data and are addressed using the current pixel                    

              values.  Moreover the subtractors disclosed by Hackett do not perform the addition                       
              mapping as recited in the language of the claim.                                                         


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