Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 4

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

                     Claims 2, 7-10, 14, 15 and 17 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112 second                         
                     Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the Examiner and the                 
              appellants, we make reference to the appeal brief, filed July 28, 1997, (Paper No. 13) and               
              examiner's answer mailed November 17, 1997, (Paper No. 14) and remailed on June 29,                      
              1998, (Paper No. 16) for the details thereto.                                                            

                     After a careful review of the evidence before us, we reverse.                                     
                     As a consequence of our review, we make the determinations which follow.                          

                     We are limited in our scope of review merely to consider rejections of claims based               
              upon the administrative record.  See In re Hengehold, 440 F.2d 1395, 169 USPQ 473                        

              (CCPA 1971).  Appellants have presented argument in the brief that the                                   
              Examiner previously indicated claim 13 as allowable and that the new independent claims                  
              were drafted similar to claim 13.  The Examiner has rebutted the argument                                

              thereto.  If appellants dispute the administrative processing of the prosecution, the proper             
              procedure is to seek review by way of petition to the Commissioner/Group Director.                       


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