Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 6

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

              overcome.  Appellants did not address the rejections under 35 U.S.C.   § 112, first and                  
              second paragraphs, in the brief and indicated in the brief that the copy of the advisory                 
              action received was not legible. If appellants desired a better copy, then a request to the              
              Examiner should have been filed.  The Examiner again included the same rejections in the                 
              Examiner's answer.  Again, appellants did not address these rejections made in the                       
              answer and did not file a reply brief to address these issues.                                           
                     Nevertheless, we have reviewed the specification as it relates to the claimed                     
              invention set forth in the chain of dependency of claims 7/24; 8/7/24; 9/8/7/24; 10/9/8/7/24             
              and we cannot sustain the rejections of the listed claims with regards to the issues (a)-(d)             
              raised by the Examiner at page 3 of the final rejection and pages 4-5 of the answer.                     
                     With respect to issue (a), none of the rejected claims 7-10 recite "valid/invalid                 
              markers", therefore, there is no basis for the rejection in the language of the claims.                  
              We note that claims 27 and 14 contain these limitations, but were not rejected by the                    
              Examiner.  We have reviewed the specification and find adequate support for                              

              valid/invalid markers in the specification, as originally filed, at pages 17-20.  Therefore, this        
              reason for the § 112 rejection is reversed.                                                              
                     With respect to issue (b), "scale factors" are recited in claims 8 and 9 (and their               


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