Ex parte EDWARDS et al. - Page 12

              Appeal No. 98-1396                                                                                       
              Application 08/300,666                                                                                   

                     We find that the Examiner has not met the burden of setting forth a prima facie                   
              case of obviousness in rejecting claim 23.  Each of the independent claims contains                      
              similar limitations as discussed above with respect to claim 23.   In regard to the 35 U.S.C.            
              § 103 rejection, the Examiner has failed to set forth a prima facie case.  It is the burden of           

              the Examiner to establish why one having ordinary skill in the art would have been led to                
              the claimed invention by the express teachings or suggestions found in the prior art, or by              
              implications contained in such teachings or suggestions.  In re Sernaker, 702 F.2d 989,                  
              995, 217 USPQ 1, 6 (Fed. Cir. 1983).  Each of claims 23-26, contain the same basic                       
              limitation concerning the two ROMs, the adder and the latch.  Accordingly, we will not                   
              sustain the Examiner's rejection of claims 23-26 under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                  
                     Since all the limitations of independent claims 23-26 are not suggested by the                    
              applied prior art, we cannot sustain the Examiner's rejection of appealed claims 2, 7-10,                
              14, 15, 17, and 27-29 which depend therefrom, under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                     


                     To summarize, the decision of the Examiner rejecting claims 7-10 under 35 U.S.C.                  
              § 112, first paragraph is reversed.  The decision of the Examiner rejecting claims                       
              2, 7-10, 14, 15 and  17 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph is reversed.   The                       
              decision of the Examiner rejecting claims 2, 7-10, 14, 15, 17, and 23-29 under 35 U.S.C.                 


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