RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 6

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          §1.635 and §1.656(h)(Paper No. 101), (2) a Motion To Suppress               
          Rapoport Exhibits 10 and 11 Under 37 CFR §1.635 and                         
          No. 101), (3) a Motion To Suppress Documentary Evidence Under               
          37 CFR §1.635 and §1.656(h)(Paper No. 101), and (4) a Motion                
          To Suppress Cross-Examination Testimony Under 37 CFR §1.635                 
          and §1.656(h)(Paper No. 101).                                               
               April 12, 1996 -- Rapoport’s Motion Under 37 CFR                       
          §1.633(a) (Paper No. 12) for a judgment holding Claims 1-13 of              
          Dement et al. Application 07/695,325 unpatentable as derived                
          from Rapoport or unpatentable over Rapoport’s presentations in              
          the U.S., was denied by the Board (Paper No. 112).  Senior                  
          party Dement et al. was awarded priority of the invention of                
          Count 1 (Paper No. 112, pp. 18-19, bridging para.).  According              
          to the Board, Rapoport had not established that Dement et al.               
          had derived the invention of Count 1 from Rapoport, because                 
          Dement et al. sustained their burden to establish a date of                 
          conception of the invention of Count 1 earlier than the date                
          of conception established by Rapoport (Paper No 112, p. 9,                  
          last para.).  The Board also determined (Paper No. 112, pp.                 
          11-12, bridging para., and p. 12, first full para; footnotes                


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