RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 8

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          patentability of Dement et al. claims under 35 U.S.C. §                     
          102(f), to final hearing (Paper No. 112, p. 17, first para.,                
          pp. 18-19, bridging para.); denied Rapoport’s Second Motion To              
          Accept Belated Filing Of Preliminary Motion Under 37 CFR                    
          (Paper No. 63)(Paper No. 112, pp. 17-18, bridging para.), and               
          dismissed Rapoport’s Motion For Judgment Under 37 CFR 1.633(a)              
          (Paper No. 64)(Paper No. 112, p. 18, first full para.).                     
               July 12, 1996 -- Rapoport filed a Request For                          
          Reconsideration (Paper No. 116) of the Board’s decision mailed              
          April 12, 1996 (Paper No. 112).                                             
               August 14, 1996 -- Dement et al. filed Dement et al.                   
          Motion To Strike Rapoport Reply To Opposition To Request For                
          Reconsideration And U.S. Patent Attached Thereto And                        
          Memorandum In Support Thereof (Paper No. 119).                              
               September 6, 1996 -- Acting on Rapoport’s Request For                  
          Reconsideration (Paper No. 116), the Board (1) declined to                  
          modify its decision of April 12, 1996 (Paper No. 122, pp. 5-6,              
          bridging para.), and (2) dismissed as moot the Dement et al                 
          Motion To Strike Rapoport Reply To Opposition To Request For                
          Reconsideration And U.S. Patent Attached Thereto And                        


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