RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 11

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          defined by those claims was first reduced to practice was                   
          August 10, 1989" (Supplemental Record of the Party Rapoport                 
          (SRR) (Paper No. 147), Copies of Written Interrogatories And                
          Answers Thereto Being Introduced Into Evidence (WIA), Response              
          To Interrogatory No. 1 (RI 1), p. 257).                                     
               B.   “As to claim 8 of application Serial No. 07/695,525               
          [sic, 07/695,325], the inventive entity comprises . . .                     
          Schwimmer.  The date that the conception of invention defined               
          by this claim was complete was the first half of 1989. . . .                
          The date the invention defined by this claim was first reduced              
          to practice was February 12, 1990" (SRR, WIA, RI 1, p. 257).                
               C.   “As to claims 3-5 and 9-12 of application Serial                  
          No. 07/695,325, the inventive entity comprises . . .                        
          Schwimmer.  The Date that the conception of the invention                   
          defined by those claims was complete was prior to February 12,              
          1990. . . . The date the invention defined by those claims was              
          first reduced to practice was February 12, 1990" (SRR, WIA, RI              
          1, p. 257).                                                                 
               D.   “For all claims in which . . . Dement is identified               
          as an inventor in response to Interrogatory No. 1 [(RI 1)],                 
          his contribution to the conception of the invention was his                 
          concept, as disclosed to Wesley Seidel prior to April 1986, of              


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