RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 10

          Interference 102,760                                                        
               “We hold that Rapoport has not sustained his burden of                 
          proof to show that judgment should be entered against Dement                
          et al” (Decision, Paper No. 112, p. 10, first para.).  “[W]e                
          agree with Dement et al. that the two presentations given by                
          Dr. Rapoport and the publications . . . do not render Dement                
          et al. claims unpatentable” (Decision, Paper No. 112, p. 11,                
          last full sentence).                                                        
               C.   Priority of the Invention of the Count                            
               “Rapoport has lost the priority contest and is not                     
          entitled to his claims corresponding to the count” (Decision,               
          No. 112, pp. 18-19, bridging para.).                                        
          3.   Deferred Issue                                                         
               Whether Rapoport has shown that Claims 1-13 of Dement et               
          al. Application 07/657,332 are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. §               
          4.   Supplemental Evidence Relevant To Deferred Issue                       
               A.   “As to claims 1, 2, 6, 7 and 13 of application                    
          Serial No. 07/695,325, the inventive entity comprises . . .                 
          Dement, . . . Rosekind and . . . Schwimmer.  The date the                   
          conception of the invention as defined by those claims was                  
          complete was prior to April, 1986.  The date the invention                  


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