Ex parte LA GRECA - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-1987                                                        
          Application No. 08/108,005                                                  

          complications.  This  is manifested by demyelination, in the                

          of multifocal progressive leukoencephalopathy.  Symptoms range              
          from slight psychic disturbance to a clear neurological                     
          syndrome.  Approximately ten percent of AIDS patients show                  
          serious neurological symptoms (aphasia, ataxia, areflexia,                  
          including paralysis and loss of sphincteric control); and in                
          sixty-two percent of HIV-positive subjects, organic mental                  
          disturbances are described leading to alteration of the                     
          cognitive functions and to dementia.  Specification, page 1,                
          line 14, to page 2, line 3.  The literature has reported that               
          HIV-positive patients with accompanying neurological                        
          complications can exhibit deficiencies in 5-methyl-                         
          tetrahydrofolate (MTHF) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).                    
          Specification, page 2, lines 3-5.  Data from the literature                 
          suggest that deficiencies in MTHF and SAMe can be the cause of              
          neurological degeneration in AIDS patients.  Specifica-tion,                
          page 2, line 16, to page 3, line 3.  Administration of                      
          methionine and betaine has been suggested to correct these                  
          metabolic deficiencies.  R. Surtees et al., The Lancet, vol.                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007