Ex parte LA GRECA - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-1987                                                        
          Application No. 08/108,005                                                  

          encephalitis is caused by an inflammatory state of the brain;               
          in contrast, senile or presenile dementia caused by                         
          Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by diffuse cerebral                    
          cortical atrophy, and microscopically by the presence of                    
          argyrophil cells, loss of neurons, and neurofibrillary                      
          tangles.  Monaco states that multiinfarctual dementia is                    
          generated by the presence in the brain of a series of infarcts              
          (localized circumscribed areas of ischemic tissue necrosis,                 
          due to inadequate blood flow), and cannot be considered                     
          equivalent to dementia associated with  encephalitis.                       
               5.  The examiner argues that “appellant’s encephalitis                 
          associated with dementia and of vacuolar myelopathies is                    
          inherently encompassed in the dementia of the reference,                    
          especially in the absence of evidence to the contrary.”                     
          Answer, page 4, lines 8-11.  However, the examiner fails to                 
          provide a basis in fact or technical reasoning which would                  
          reasonably support the determination that encephalitis                      
          associated with dementia and vacuolar myelopathies are                      
          inherently disclosed by Le Grazie.  See  Ex parte Levy, 17                  
          USPQ2d 1461, 1464 (Bd. Pat. App. & Inter. 1990), and cases                  
          cited therein.                                                              

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