Ex parte LA GRECA - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-1987                                                        
          Application No. 08/108,005                                                  

               The examiner admits that the etiology of dementia caused               
          by encephalitis differs from that caused by Alzheimer’s                     
          disease, as shown in the Monaco declaration.  However, the                  
          examiner states that “appellant has not conclusively shown the              
          experimental evidence, so that the two phenomena can be                     
          distinguished.”  Answer, page 4, lines 22-23.                               
               The examiner does not provide facts or scientific                      
          reasoning which would cast doubt on statements in the Monaco                
          declaration that senile or presenile dementia caused by                     
          Alzheimer’s disease and multiinfarctual dementia have a                     
          completely different pathology from dementia caused by                      
               On this record, the examiner has not shown that treating               
          patients afflicted with subacute encephalitis associated with               
          dementia or vacuolar myelopathies by administering 5-methyl-                
          tetrahydrofolic acid or 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolic acid is                    
          described by or inherently flows from Le Grazie.                            
               Accordingly, we reverse the examiner’s decision rejecting              
          claims 17, 18 and 22 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as anticipated                
          by Le Grazie.                                                               


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