Ex parte LA GRECA - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-1987                                                        
          Application No. 08/108,005                                                  

          subacute encephalitis associated with dementia or vacuolar                  
               4.  In the Brief, pages 8 through 11, appellant argues                 
          that there are significant distinctions between the organic                 
          mental disorders described by Le Grazie and “subacute                       
          encephalitis associated with dementia and vacuolar                          
          myelopathies” recited in claim 22.  Appellant argues that                   
          Le Grazie is directed to treating neuro-degenerative                        
          pathologies, whereas the claimed therapeutic methods are                    
          directed to treating pathologies “having a completely                       
          different origin.”  Brief, page 8, line 15, through page 9,                 
          line 7; and page 9, lines 20-23.  Appellant further argues                  
          that senile or presenile dementia caused by Alzheimer’s                     
          disease and multiinfarctual dementia have a different etiology              
          than dementia caused by encephalitis.  Brief, page 10, lines                
          1-9.  The Rule 132 Declaration of Pietro Monaco, Paper No. 21,              
          filed 10 April 1995, defines subacute encephalitis as                       
          “inflammation of the                                                        

          brain,” and vacuolar myelopathy as “a disease of the spinal                 
          cord.”  According to Monaco, dementia associated with subacute              

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