Ex parte NISHIMURA et al. - Page 13

            Appeal No. 1997-2983                                                   Page 13               
            Application No. 08/482,792                                                                   

            register and a memory.  The limitations do not require using                                 
            the bus for context switching.                                                               

                  The combination of references would have suggested the                                 
            limitations.  "Non-obviousness cannot be established by                                      
            attacking references individually where the rejection is based                               
            upon the teachings of a combination of references.”  In re                                   
            Merck & Co., 800 F.2d 1091, 1097, 231 USPQ 375, 380 (Fed. Cir.                               
            In re Keller, 642 F.2d 413, 425, 208 USPQ 871, 881 (CCPA                                     
            1981)).  In determining obviousness, furthermore, a reference                                
            “must be read, not in isolation, but for what it fairly                                      
            teaches in combination with the prior art as a whole.”  Id.,                                 
            231 USPQ at 380.                                                                             

                  Here, the rejection is based on a combination of AAPA,                                 
            Levy, and Delagi.  Regarding the AAPA, the appellants admit                                  
            that MCUs were known to transfer data between a register in a                                
            CPU and a memory to execute an interrupt, switch a task, or                                  
            call a subroutine.  For example, they specifically concede,                                  
            "[a]t this time, data held in the registers must be                                          

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