Ex parte NISHIMURA et al. - Page 9

            Appeal No. 1997-2983                                                    Page 9               
            Application No. 08/482,792                                                                   

                        d)    retrieving a processor status word, a                                      
                  program counter value and data to be stored in a                                       
                  register bank corresponding to said second program                                     
                  from another location in said RAM via said dedicated                                   
                  data bus and said dedicated address bus ....                                           
            Accordingly, claims 1-4, 6-12, and 14 require using dedicated                                
            buses only for context switching.                                                            

                  The examiner fails to show a suggestion of the                                         
            limitations in the prior art.  “The Patent Office has the                                    
            initial duty of supplying the factual basis for its rejection.                               
            It may not ... resort to speculation, unfounded assumptions or                               
            hindsight reconstruction to supply deficiencies in its factual                               
            In re Warner, 379 F.2d 1011, 1017, 154 USPQ 173, 178 (CCPA                                   
            1967).  "The range of sources available ... does not diminish                                
            the requirement for actual evidence.  That is, the showing                                   
            must be clear and particular.  See, e.g., C.R. Bard Inc. v. M3                               
            Sys., Inc., 157 F.3d 1340, 1352, 48 USPQ2d 1225, 1232 (Fed.                                  
            Cir. 1998).  Broad conclusory statements regarding the                                       
            teaching of multiple references, standing alone, are not                                     
            'evidence.'"  In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994, 999, 50 USPQ2d                                  
            1614, 1617 (Fed. Cir. 1999)(exemplary citations omitted).                                    

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