Ex parte NISHIMURA et al. - Page 3

            Appeal No. 1997-2983                                                    Page 3               
            Application No. 08/482,792                                                                   

                              (e) a second bus for passing address data                                  
                  corresponding to the data passed through said first                                    
                              (f) a third bus for connecting said CPU                                    
                  with said RAM, said third bus being used only for                                      
                  passing data respectively held in said Program                                         
                  Counter Register, said Processor Status Word                                           
                  Register, and said General Purpose Register Set                                        
                  between said CPU and said RAM, a number of bits of                                     
                  said third bus being larger than that of said first                                    
                  bus; and                                                                               
                              (g) a fourth bus for connecting said CPU                                   
                  with said RAM and passing address data corresponding                                   
                  to said data passed through said third bus.                                            
                        13. A microcomputer formed with a single chip,                                   
                        a system bus;                                                                    
                        a random access memory formed within said single                                 
                  chip and connected to said system bus, at least one                                    
                  register bank being formed in said random access                                       
                        an I/O device formed within said single chip and                                 
                  connected to said system bus;                                                          
                        a CPU core formed within said single chip and                                    
                  connected to said system bus for performing data                                       
                  processing in cooperation with said random access                                      
                  memory, said CPU core including an interface                                           
                  controller for controlling data exchange through                                       
                  said system bus, a decoder and control circuit for                                     
                  decoding instructions to generate control signals,                                     
                  an arithmetic logic unit for executing instructions,                                   
                  a register file for providing temporary storage, a                                     
                  bank pointer for indicating a location of said                                         
                  register file in said random access memory, and an                                     

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