Ex parte NISHIMURA et al. - Page 15

            Appeal No. 1997-2983                                                   Page 15               
            Application No. 08/482,792                                                                   

            dedicated bus used to transfer data between a register and a                                 
            memory.  Accordingly, we are persuaded that the teachings of                                 
            AAPA, Levy, and Delagi in combination with the prior art as a                                
            whole would have suggested the claimed limitations of "an                                    
            exclusive-use data bus connected between said register file                                  
            and said random access memory for data exchange therebetween                                 
            and provided separately from said system bus ...."  Therefore,                               
            we affirm the rejection of claim 13 as obvious over AAPA in                                  
            view of Levy and Delagi.  Our affirmance is based only on the                                
            arguments made in the brief.  Arguments not                                                  

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