Ex parte MOSLEHI - Page 2

               Appeal No.  1997-3691                                                                     Page 2                   
               Application No.  08/298,018                                                                                        

                      The appellant's invention relates to a method of fabricating a semiconductor device having a                

               self-aligned silicide region.  Specifically, as disclosed on page 9, lines 21- 27 of the specification “the        

               self-aligned silicide regions can be performed [sic: formed] either before or after removal of the                 

               disposable silicon nitride layer 58. . . [T]he result of forming the silicided regions after the removal of        

               silicon nitride layer 58 is depicted in figure 4a.  The main difference . . . is the presence of silicided         

               region 41 on conductive gate structure 40."  An understanding of the invention can be derived from a               

               reading of exemplary claim 6, which is reproduced as follows:                                                      

                      6.      A method of fabricating a semiconductor device with a self-aligned silicide region, said            
               method comprising:                                                                                                 

                      providing a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type, said semiconductor substrate              
               has a surface;                                                                                                     

                      forming field insulating regions at said surface of said semiconductor substrate;                           

                      forming a gate structure insulatively disposed over said substrate and between said field                   
               insulating regions, said gate structure having a top surface and a side surface and including a gate               

                      forming a disposable structure overlying said gate structure, said disposable structure having a            
               top surface and a side surface;                                                                                    

                      forming side wall insulators adjacent to said gate structure and said disposable structure and              
               extending along side surfaces of said gate structure and said disposable structure;                                

                      forming source/drain junction regions of a second conductivity type opposite said first                     
               conductivity type, said source/drain junction regions formed in said substrate adjacent to said gate               
               structure and extending from said gate structure to said field insulating regions;                                 

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