Ex parte MOSLEHI - Page 5

               Appeal No.  1997-3691                                                                        Page 5                    
               Application No.  08/298,018                                                                                            


                       In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given careful consideration to the appellant's                

               specification and claims, to the applied prior art references, and to the respective positions articulated             

               by the appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of our review, we make the determinations                         

               which follow.                                                                                                          

                       Appellant asserts (brief, page 6) that the examiner has improperly combined references which                   

               teach away from each other in an obviousness rejection.  The examiner asserts (answer, page 6) that it                 

               would have been obvious to have “modified Feist by employing the disposable structure . . . .because                   

               such would enable the formation of silicide regions separately if desired and because such disposable                  

               structure would advantageously serve to pattern the gate and to reduce the risk of short circuit.”                     

               Appellant takes the position (brief, page 6)  that Feist teaches simultaneously forming silicide regions on            

               the gate structure and the source/drain regions, whereas both Rodder and Sitaram specifically teach to                 

               the contrary by using their disposable structures to prevent this from occurring.  We find that in Feist,              

               (figure 8, and col.  9, lines 50-68) metal silicide contacts (36), (38), and (40) are formed respectively              

               on the inactive base (26'), emitter (30), and collector (32) at the same time.  In contrast, Rodder utilizes           

               a disposable structure (28) over the gate (30) in order to prevent a silicide region from being formed                 

               over the source/drain regions and the gate at the same time.  Rodder specifically teaches (col. 1, lines               

               60-64, and col. 6, lines 1-16) providing a thicker silicide layer over the gate in order to decrease the               

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