Ex parte MOSLEHI - Page 9

               Appeal No.  1997-3691                                                                        Page 9                    
               Application No.  08/298,018                                                                                            

               been within the purview of one skilled in the art to select and optimize the appropriate parameters and                

               dimensions including the thickness of the conductive region to obtain the desired conductivity.”                       

                       The examiner’s unsupported statement is insufficient to meet the examiner’s burden of                          

               producing a factual basis for the rejection.  Nor do we find, from our review, any teaching in the prior               

               art references to Feist, Osinski, Rodder or Sitaram that would have suggested a conductive region                      

               formed on said silicide region which is formed on said gate structure located in substantially the same                

               location as the disposable structure with substantially the same thickness as the disposable structure.                

               We are not inclined to dispense with proof by evidence when the proposition at issue is not supported                  

               by a teaching in a prior art reference or shown to be common knowledge of unquestionable                               

               demonstration.  Our reviewing court requires this evidence in order to establish a prima facie case.  In               

               re Piasecki, 745 F.2d 1468, 1471-72, 223 USPQ 785, 787-88 (Fed. Cir. 1984); In re                                      

               Knapp-Monarch Co., 296 F.2d 230, 232, 132 USPQ 6, 8 (CCPA 1961); In re Cofer, 354 F.2d                                 

               664, 668, 148 USPQ 268, 271-72 (CCPA 1966).  Our reviewing court states in In re Piasecki, 745                         

               F.2d 1468, 1472, 223 USPQ 785, 788 (Fed. Cir. 1984) the following:                                                     

                       The Supreme Court in Graham v. John Deere Co., 383 U.S. 1, 86 S.Ct. 684, 15                                    
                       L.Ed.2d 545, 148 USPQ 459 (1966), focused on the procedural and evidentiary                                    
                       processes in reaching a conclusion under Section 103. As adapted to ex parte                                   
                       procedure, Graham is interpreted as continuing to place the "burden of proof on the                            
                       Patent Office which requires it to produce the factual basis for its rejection of an                           
                       application under sections 102 and 103." In re Warner, 379 F.2d 1011, 1020, 154                                
                       USPQ 173, 177 (CCPA 1967).                                                                                     

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