Ex parte MOSLEHI - Page 8

               Appeal No.  1997-3691                                                                        Page 8                    
               Application No.  08/298,018                                                                                            

               alia, the emitter region (30).  In view of the teachings of Osinski, while we conclude that one of                     

               ordinary skill in the art would have been taught to modify Feist to provide a disposable structure in                  

               order to provide better patterning of the gate, simplified formation of the sidewall insulators (20),  and             

               to reduce the chance of short circuit during the formation of the silicide regions, we find that even with             

               such a modification, the language of the claim would not be met.  Claim 6 requires the step of forming a               

               gate structure, and then forming a disposable structure over the gate structure.  Even if we provide Feist             

               with a disposable structure as taught by Osinski to pattern the gate, as advanced by the examiner                      

               (answer, page 6), the claim language would not be met because the disposable structure would be                        

               formed prior to the gate in order to pattern the gate which is the opposite of what the claim requires.                

               Moreover, claim 6 further requires                                                                                     

                       said conductive region formed on said silicide region formed on said gate                                      
                       structure is located in substantially the same location as the disposable                                      
                       structure with substantially the same thickness as the disposable structure.                                   

               Appellant asserts (brief, page 7) that none of the references teach this limitation because the region                 

               where the conductive layer is formed on the silicide region formed on the gate is either unbounded or                  

               the process utilized to form the conductive structure is such that the thickness of the conductive                     

               structure would not be the same as that of the disposable structure.  We agree.  We are not persuaded                  

               by the examiners assertion (answer, page 7) is that “such limitation is deemed to have been obvious                    

               over the applied prior art” because (answer, page 6)  “[i]t would have been obvious and would have                     

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