Ex parte AZUMA et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1998-0129                                      Page 12           
          Application No. 08/438,062                                                  

          devices were installed on sixty-nine percent of the digital                 
          mobile phones being sold in Japan and that (reply brief, page               
          12) “[t]oday that number is closer to 100%.”                                
               The examiner asserts (answer, page 10) that the evidence               
          of commercial success is not commensurate with the scope of                 
          the claims, and that the evidence of commercial success                     
          relates to BST GaAs MMIC chips installed in mobile phones, not              
          to the claimed invention.                                                   
               We find that page 1 of Exhibit C of the Araujo                         
          Declaration states that                                                     
               construction in MMIC is indispensable to realize                       
               further miniaturization.  If construction in MMIC                      
               is realized, it will enable:                                           
                    C    Downsizing to 1/50                                           
                    C    Cost reduction to 1/40                                       
                    C    Light weight                                                 

          We note that integration of the capacitors into MMIC is not                 
          set forth in any of appellants’ claims before us on appeal.                 
               We do, however, note that Exhibit D of the Araujo                      
          Declaration states that “[t]he key to the chip, though, comes               
          from Symetrix. . . .”  We further take note of the fact that                
          the Araujo Declaration (page 5, paragraph 16) states that the               
          “Nikkei Shinbun, Japan’s largest newspaper, gave its chip                   

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