Ex parte AZUMA et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1998-0129                                      Page 14           
          Application No. 08/438,062                                                  

          contributed to the formulation of the capacitor and its                     
          integration into MMICs, resulting in the Okouchi Award.                     
               Appellants assert (brief, pages 10-11) that                            
               The indicated obviousness rejections cannot be                         
               sustained because none of the references address                       
               the problem that Appellants have overcome.                             

          Appellants take the position (reply brief, pages 9 and 10)                  
               The Examiner indicates on page 10 of the Answer                        
               at lines 5-7 that the Examiner’s reasons for                           
               combining prior art references need not be the same                    
               reasons why Appellants have developed the claimed                      
               invention and, besides, the prior art references                       
               provide the same reasons as Appellants.  (emphasis                     

                    The Examiner cites no law in support of his                       
               position.  Appellants have already addressed the                       
               issue that the references do not teach the use of                      
               BST on GaAs to obtain stable high frequency                            
               capacitance.  Appellants now address the Examiner’s                    
               premise that the Examiner may combine the references                   
               for other reasons apart from the reasons why                           
               Appellants have developed the invention.  Consider                     
               the opinion of the Court of Appeals For the Federal                    
               Circuit on this issue:                                                 
                    The Commissioner argues that if it is obvious                     
                    to combine the teachings of prior art references                  
                    for any purpose, they may be combined in order                    
                    to defeat patentability of the applicant’s                        
                    admittedly new structure.  The PTO states that                    
                    ‘a claimed invention may be unpatentable if it                    

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