Ex parte AZUMA et al. - Page 25

          Appeal No. 1998-0129                                      Page 25           
          Application No. 08/438,062                                                  

          of each of Koyama and McMillan.  See In re Ludtke, 441 F.2d                 
          660, 664, 169 USPQ 563, 566 (CCPA 1971).                                    
               We, therefore, conclude that the examiner has established              
          a prima facie case of obviousness of the invention.  As the                 
          examiner has met the burden of establishing a prima facie                   
          case, the burden now shifts to the appellants to overcome the               
          prima facie case with argument and/or evidence.  Obviousness                
          will then be determined on the basis of the evidence as a                   
               We make reference to our earlier findings with regard to               
          the Araujo Declaration.  Additionally, as stated in the Araujo              
          Declaration (page 3, paragraph 8), “Item 2 on page 1 of                     
          Exhibit B shows a direct comparison of laboratory results                   
          indicating that the dielectric constant (and corresponding                  
          capacitance) of PZT thin films falls off below 100 MHZ, but                 
          that the capacitance of BST thin films can be stabilized out                
          to about 10 GHZ.”  We are cognizant of the stable capacitance               
          achieved by utilization of BST, and we find that the teachings              
          of Miller considered with each of both Koyama or McMillan                   
          would have suggested the use of BST as a high dielectric                    
          material as advanced by the examiner.                                       

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