Ex parte AZUMA et al. - Page 27

          Appeal No. 1998-0129                                      Page 27           
          Application No. 08/438,062                                                  

          (page 3, paragraph 7) “Exhibit B shows that those skilled in                
          the art are only now coming to realize that BST materials                   
          fundamentally have a better high frequency capacitance than do              
          PZT materials."                                                             
               We find that Exhibit B of the McMillan Declaration,                    
          entitled High Frequency Electrical Characteristics of BST                   
          Capacitors,(ISIF 1996), by Jammy et al. (Jammy) characterizes               
          the dielectric properties of the same formulation of BST as                 
          found in the capacitor of Koyama.  According to Jammy, the BST              
          capacitor exhibited roll-off near 1 GHZ.  According to the                  
          McMillan Declaration (page 3, paragraph 7), the roll-off                    
          appears at                                                                  
          0.5-0.7 GHz.  However, we find that the Jammy BST capacitor                 
          experienced roll-off because the BST capacitor of Jammy does                
          not utilize a gallium arsenide substrate and a diffusion                    
          barrier layer.  The McMillan Declaration states (page 3,                    
          paragraph 8) that the problem of capacitance roll-off is                    
          “overcome by using a gallium arsenide substrate and a                       
          diffusion barrier layer before depositing the first                         
          electrode.”  We note that Miller teaches (col. 3, lines 40-41)              
          the use of a gallium arsenide substrate 12 and (col. 4, lines               

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