Ex parte TOGNAZZINI - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-2372                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/639,815                                                  

          aboard trains, buses, and airplanes that do not display public              

               The appellant discloses techniques for automatically                   
          updating a time piece when the boundary of a time zone is                   
          crossed.  More specifically, stored data defining time zone                 
          boundaries are combined with location data from a Global                    
          Positioning Satellite receiver to decide when a time zone                   
          boundary is crossed.  Alternatively, current time data are                  
          transmitted to a timepiece from transmitters at locations                   
          frequented by travelers, e.g., railroad stations, bus                       
          terminals, and airports.                                                    

               Claim 4, which is representative for our purposes,                     
                    4.   A timepiece which can be remotely updated,                   
                    a.   a clock, and                                                 
                    b.   a receiver configured to receive externally                  
               supplied update information over a communications                      
               link for updating said clock in which said update                      
               information is provided from a vehicle.                                

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