Ex parte TOGNAZZINI - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1998-2372                                      Page 11           
          Application No. 08/639,815                                                  

          730 F.2d 1440, 1446, 221 USPQ 385, 390 (Fed. Cir. 1984).                    
          Here, Van Orsdel discloses  "a geosynchronous earth satellite               
          11 ...."  Col. 2, l. 23.                                                    
          Because a satellite is a "vehicle intended to orbit the earth,              
          moon, or another celestial body," Webster's Ninth New                       
          Collegiate Dictionary 1044 (1990)(copy attached), the                       
          reference's geosynchronous earth satellite is a vehicle.                    

               The appellant admits that Van Orsdel further discloses                 
          that the geosynchronous earth satellite provides update                     
          information.  More specifically, he recognizes, "[b]oth the                 
          time keeping and synchronization signals may be transmitted                 
          ... through a satellite 11 to a remote timepiece 12."  (Appeal              
          Br. at 4.)  For its part, the reference teaches that the                    
          "geosynchronous earth satellite 11 ... transmits a coded time               
          signal back to earth for reception by any suitable receiver                 
          which is within the transmission reception zone of the                      
          satellite."  Col. 2,                                                        

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