THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 11

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          “marveled” will not be suppressed.  Henson’s declaration                    
          contains evidence relating to night testing of the prototype.               
          Thus, testimony on his reaction to the test is fair game in                 
          cross-examination.  Such testimony does not violate 37 CFR §                
          1.639 as argued by the junior party, since senior party has                 
          the right to cross-examine all junior party’s declarants if                 
          junior party intends to rely on their testimony at final                    
          hearing.  See 37 CFR § 1.671(e) and                                         
          37 CFR § 1.672(d).  The senior party, in this instance, is                  
          permitted to cross-examine the junior party’s witnesses on the              
          patentability issue, because the junior party introduced these              
          declarations into evidence during the testimony period.  Thus,              
          JP64-65, 43, 44, and JP82-85 will not be suppressed.                        
                    Finally, the Henson notation on the facsimile does                
          not properly raise a suppression issue, inasmuch as Henson                  
          and Brammer both reference a facsimile in their declaration.                
          Thus, testimony concerning the facsimile is proper on cross-                
                    To sum up, we have considered the junior party’s                  
          motion for suppression of evidence, and will suppress pages                 
          JP182-83 as beyond the scope of direct.  To this extent the                 

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