THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 10

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          suppress are simply irrelevant for this reason.  As to JP179,               
          cited by the junior party as calling for speculation, it is                 
          undenied, by any witness, that Thompson had Henson and Milling              
          over to his office to discuss a reflector and whether Henson                
          could supply such a                                                         
          reflector.  Thus, it does not require speculation on Henson’s               
          part to have been asked what Henson understood Thompson to be               
          asking for.  Suppression on this ground is DENIED.  Likewise,               
          Milling’s testimony at JP246-49 will not be suppressed for the              
          same reason.                                                                
                    However, with respect to pages JP182-83, concerning               
          patentability and the GE publication, the junior party                      
          argument that the questions are beyond the scope of direct,                 
          i.e., the original Henson declaration, is well taken.  The                  
          testimony on these pages relating to the publication will be                
          suppressed.  The motion is GRANTED to this extent.                          
                    The question about Henson knowing if Thompson had                 
          talked to a competitor (JP194) is not hearsay and is not seen               
          as irrelevant.  Suppression on these grounds is not warranted.              
          The testimony (JP200-01, JP210-11) regarding people who                     


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