THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 8

                 Interference No. 103,878                                                                                                               

                 agreement with the senior party that the junior party’s                                                                                
                 evidence “may be used by the Senior Party for the purpose of                                                                           
                 showing that the Junior Party has failed to meet its burden of                                                                         
                 proof.”  Accord- ingly, the motion to suppress, to the extent                                                                          
                 that it is based on the junior party’s so-called general                                                                               
                 objection, is DENIED.                                                                                                                  
                                   With regard to the junior party’s statement that all                                                                 
                 objections except as to form were reserved at the deposition,                                                                          
                 we must remind the parties that objections are to be noted                                                                             
                 when the deposition is ongoing (37 CFR § 1.675(c); 37 CFR §                                                                            
                 1.685(c), and 37 CFR § 1.656(h)) so that the objection can                                                                             
                 both be recorded and properly responded to by the opponent who                                                                         
                 may be able to remove the objection by ameliorating the                                                                                
                 objected to circumstances. Timely objections permit prompt                                                                             
                 correction of technical errors                                                                                                         

                 denied the junior party the opportunity and ability to raise                                                                           
                 any objections to the admissibility of the testimony"                                                                                  
                 (emphasis supplied). Junior party motion to suppress at 3.  We                                                                         
                 must emphasize that   it is the junior party’s own testimony                                                                           
                 being referred to, as relied upon by the senior party.  As we                                                                          
                 understand it, the junior party is stating he was denied the                                                                           
                 chance to object to his own testimony!                                                                                                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007