THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 3

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          directs more light to the street below.  The count in                       
          interference reads as follows:                                              
          Count 1                                                                     
                    For use in an outdoor pole mounted lighting fixture               
          having a head fixture housing bearing a depending light                     
          source, the improvement comprising:                                         

                    an integral unitary reflector spun from aluminum;                 
                    a side member of said reflector forming a light                   
          impermeable member of generally parabolic configuration having              
          a circular cross section tapering inwardly toward an open top               
          end containing said light source and directing light from said              
          light source downwardly at a lower open end;                                
                    a connection integral with and extending adjacent                 
          said open top end of said side member for receiving said light              
          source therein and being complementary to a lower end of said               
          head to prevent the upward passage of light from said light                 
                    a matt-like finish on an interior surface of said                 
          reflector providing uniformity of spread and distribution of                
                    said interior surface being of such a configuration               
          as to reflect light generally downwardly with a substantially               
          90E cutoff at said lower open end of said side member avoiding              
          directing light at an angle above the horizontal;                           
                    said bottom of said reflector being entirely open to              
          the atmosphere and devoid of any refractor so that said light               
          is directed generally downwardly entirely by said interior                  
          surface of said reflector; and                                              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007