THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 5

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          filed a motion to suppress evidence which was opposed by the                
          senior party.  Both parties were represented by counsel at                  
          final hearing.                                                              
                    The following issues have been raised by the parties              
          in their respective main briefs:                                            
          C         Whether the junior party has established by a                     
                    preponderance of the evidence that Henson and                     
                    Wilkerson are joint inventors with Thompson.  The                 
                    junior party lists as an issue whether the senior                 
                    party has established that Thompson is a sole                     
                    inventor.  However, the senior party has no burden                
                    to prove that Thompson is the sole inventor.                      
          C         Whether the claims of the senior party patent and                 
                    concurrently the claims in the junior party’s                     
                    application are unpatentable over prior                           
                    art.  This issue was first raised by                              
                    preliminary motion during the preliminary                         
                    motion period established by the                                  
                    Administrative Patent Judge (APJ).  A                             
                    decision on the motion was deferred to                            
                    final hearing.                                                    
          Additionally, the junior party has filed a motion to suppress               
          evidence.  We will consider these issues hereinbelow,                       
          beginning with the motion to suppress evidence.                             
                            Motion to Suppress Evidence                               


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