THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 2

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                         FINAL HEARING:  November 30, 1999                            

          Before CALVERT, PATE and HANLON, Administrative Patent Judges.              
          PATE, Administrative Patent Judge.                                          

                         FINAL DECISION UNDER 37 CFR § 1.47                           
                    This is a final decision in Interference No.                      
          103,878. Involved are junior party application Serial No.                   
          08/243,630  filed under 37 CFR § 1.47 with inventors Charles                
          O. Thompson, Jesse F. Wilkerson, and James A. Henson, and                   
          senior party Patent No. 5,329,438 taken out in the name of                  
          Charles O. Thompson as sole inventor.  In the Rule 47                       
          application, Thompson is a non-signing co-inventor.  The other              
          co-inventors have assigned their interest to Hubbell                        
          Incorporated.  Thompson retains the ownership of the patent.                
                    The interference subject matter is directed to a                  
          streetlight shade or reflector designed to fit the ubiquitous               
          NEMA streetlight head.  The reflector is parabolic and extends              
          downwardly past the bulb preventing light directed up into the              
          sky.  This configuration ameliorates skyglow and actually                   


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Last modified: November 3, 2007