THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 6

                 Interference No. 103,878                                                                                                               

                                   As we understand the junior party’s motion, the                                                                      
                 junior party is seeking to have its own testimony  suppressed                           5                                              
                 to the extent that it is relied upon by the senior party.  The                                                                         
                 reason given for justifying suppression with respect to the                                                                            
                 cross- examination of the junior party’s declarants is that                                                                            
                 senior party “did not specifically identify the cited portions                                                                         
                 [of the cross- examination transcripts he was relying upon] or                                                                         
                 submit copies thereof during the senior party’s testimony                                                                              
                 period.”  Likewise with respect to the junior party’s                                                                                  
                 declarations, as we understand                                                                                                         
                 the junior party’s motion, the senior party failed to identify                                                                         
                 during the preliminary motion period what portions of the                                                                              

                 party’s declarations he was relying on in opposition to the                                                                            
                 motion for judgment.  Similarly, the junior party further                                                                              
                 states that the senior party did not, during the senior                                                                                

                          5Specifically, the junior party’s motion seeks                                                                                
                 suppression of the junior party’s declarations of declarants                                                                           
                 Wilkerson, Brammer, Myers, Henson, and Milling, and cross-                                                                             
                 examination deposition testimony of these witnesses at JR36-                                                                           
                 JR258.        This comprises the balance of the junior party’s                                                                         

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