THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 16

                 Interference No. 103,878                                                                                                               

                 and Vol. III, § 542 (Michie Co. 1947) and for reduction to                                                                             
                 practice, Vol. III §§ 543 and 544.                                                                                                     
                                                Senior Party’s Originality Case                                                                         
                                   While no one has seriously challenged the fact that                                                                  
                 the senior party has contributed to the conception of the                                                                              
                 invention, and is at least a co-inventor, senior party has                                                                             
                 sought to show a full and completely independent conception of                                                                         
                 the invention                                                                                                                          

                 prior to the meeting of Thompson with Henson and Milling on                                                                            
                 February 17, 1993, which would establish that Thompson is a                                                                            
                 sole inventor.   For proof of this conception, the senior7                                                                                                             
                 party is relying on a facsimile transmission from Thompson to                                                                          
                 Yarborough at South Carolina Electric and Gas on January 26,                                                                           
                 1993.  However, Thompson was the senior party’s only witness.                                                                          
                 Yarborough did not testify.  This raises an issue of                                                                                   
                 corroboration with regard to the facsimile, SX-1.  At oral                                                                             
                 hearing, senior party’s counsel argued that the facsimile                                                                              

                          7See senior party brief footnote 1.                                                                                           

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