THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 23

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          was supported by declarations from Messrs.  Wilkerson and                   
          Kenyon and documentary exhibits of prior art.  The motion was               
          opposed by the senior party.                                                
                    The following represents our findings of fact with                
          respect to the prior art exhibits filed in support of the                   
                    Exhibit 1 is a promotional or catalog page from                   
          General Electric describing Novalux street lighting fixtures.               
          It was discovered in the files at Hubbell.  It bears a printed              
          date of November 4, 1944.  The figure in the lower right-hand               
          corner illustrates a fixture for use on an outdoor pole having              
          a head fixture containing a socket for a depending light                    
          source. Depending from the head fixture is a unitary reflector              
          formed from light impermeable material.  The reflector is of                

          parabolic configuration and is apparently of circular cross                 
          section and tapers inwardly to a top.  The bulb filament is                 
          generally located at the focus of the parabolic reflector.                  
          The reflector appears to have an inwardly directed flange                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007