THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 24

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          which mates with a complementary flange on the head.  No light              
          can escape from the lamp in an upward direction.  The                       
          reflector is formed of aluminum with a finish on the reflector              
          of natural, unpainted aluminum.  The interior of the reflector              
          is of such a con- figuration that light is reflected                        
          downwardly to the open end   of the reflector member with a                 
          substantially 90E cutoff.  The reflector has toggle latches to              
          mount the reflector to the head. Wilkerson and Kenyon both                  
          state that the Alzak finish the General Electric exhibit                    
          discloses is a matte finish.  JP8; JP13.                                    
                    The luminaire of the General Electric publication                 
          differs from the claimed subject matter of the senior party                 
          patent in that the reflector is not entirely open to the                    
          atmosphere, since a clear glass diffuser is mounted to the                  
          lower, open end of the reflector.  Also, as required by claims              
          3 and 4 of the senior party’s involved patent, the General                  
          Electric reference is silent with respect to being spun from                
          the disclosed aluminum material.                                            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007