THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 21

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                    As to Wilkerson’s contribution, this was not an                   
          elaborate program of research, experimentation, or design of                
          parts, which would be necessary to consider him as a co-                    
          inventor, but merely the selection of the size and shape of                 
          certain parts, i.e., the proper high bay reflector and the                  
          location of NEMA                                                            

          toggle latches on the stock spun aluminum reflector which                   
          already had the correct surface finish.  We see it as simply                
          the exercise of the normal skill expected of an ordinary                    
          lighting designer, which would not have involved any inventive              
          acts on the part of Wilkerson.  The necessity of a certain                  
          amount of selection of sizes of parts, materials, etc., along               
          predetermined lines does not indicate contribution to the                   
          conception of an invention.   See Bac v. Loomis, 252 F.2d 571,              
          577, 117 USPQ 29, 34 (CCPA 1958)(Loran patent case); Fredkin                
          v. Irasek, 397 F.2d 342,       158 USPQ 280 (CCPA), cert.                   
          denied, 393 U.S. 980 (1968) and Sewell, 21 F.3d at 415, 30                  
          USPQ2d at 1358.                                                             


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