THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 27

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                    Finally, Exhibit 7 accompanying the motion is the                 
          senior party patent.  In the senior party patent application,               
          senior party has illustrated the prior art NEMA Head fixture                
          in figure 1 and at col. 2, line 63, to col.3, line 12.  The                 
          prior art is described thusly:                                              
                    The prior art is illustrated in FIG. 1                            
                    as including a two part refractor including                       
                    an upper bowl-like portion 10 which is                            
                    formed from spun aluminum.  An upper end of                       
                    the bowl-like member 11 receiving a                               
                    standard NEMA Head fixture including a                            
                    housing 12 which carries a photo control                          
                    device 13.  An arm illustrated in broken                          
                    lines at 14 is received within the                                
                    laterally extending hollow bracket 15 in                          
                    which it is clampingly engaged by                                 

                    securement of the bolts 16 and 17.  Opposed                       
                    fixed clamping members 18 in the form of                          
                    latching ears are carried adjacent a lower                        
                    edge of the housing 12 for receiving spring                       
                    biased clamps, not shown.  A lamp is                              
                    illustrated at 19 and is received within                          
                    the refractor 20 which forms a lower half                         
                    of the standard lighting fixture.  The                            
                    refractor includes prisms which are                               
                    designed to direct light downwardly into                          
                    the side, but such refractor allows                               
                    considerable glare and considerable light                         
                    to escape causing light contamination of                          
                    the night sky.                                                    
                    In our view, the subject matter of all of the senior              
          party’s patent claims would have been obvious to one of                     

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