THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 34

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          junior party exhibit A provides little evidence of long-felt                
          need, commercial success  or recognition by the public.                     
                    The senior party also refers to the testimony of                  
          Henson at JR200-01, wherein Henson stated that in the spring                
          of 1993 representatives from both South Carolina Electric &                 
          Gas and                                                                     
          Carolina Power & Light, along with Thompson, Milling, and                   
          Henson visited the test site where the prototype reflector had              
          been installed.  Henson stated:  “That night after dinner we                
          all went out and visited and marveled at it.”  JR201.  Without              
          more information, it is impossible to credit this statement of              
          Henson as evidence of long-felt need, commercial success or                 
          recognition by the public.  Henson is never questioned about                
          what feature he marveled at.  The statement is so vague that                
          it is impossible to determine what property of the fixture or               
          reflector is being noted.  Therefore, it is impossible to                   
          ascertain whether a nexus between the invention and the lauded              
          property or feature of the                                                  

          reflector exists.  In short, the statement that Henson and                  
          other unknown persons marveled at the invention is too vague                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007