THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 35

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          and the report of this “marveling” too fragmentary to afford                
          any evidence weighing for the unobviousness of the invention.               
                    Having considered all the evidence anew, and                      
          carefully weighing the evidence both for and against                        
          obviousness, it is  our conclusion that the subject matter of               
          all of senior party’s patent claims would have been obvious at              
          the time the invention was made to one of ordinary skill in                 
          the outdoor lighting art. The junior party’s motion for                     
          judgment is GRANTED.  Accordingly, we will enter judgment                   
          against the senior party on the ground of unpatentability,                  
                    Additionally, we note that the prior art discussed,               
          supra, and the declarations from the junior party’s declarants              
          clearly establish the unpatentability of the junior party’s                 
          claimed subject matter.  The junior party has made of record                
          no evidence to the contrary, and has included no argument in                
          his main brief that his claims are patentable over this prior               
          art. Accordingly, judgment will also be entered against all                 
          claims of the junior party on the ground of unpatentability                 
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103, hereinbelow.                                         


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