THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 36

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                    Judgment in Interference No. 103,878 is entered                   
          against Charles O. Thompson, Jesse F. Wilkerson, and James A.               
          Henson, the junior party, on the grounds of unpatentability                 
          and originality. Charles O. Thompson, Jesse F. Wilkerson, and               
          James A. Henson are not entitled to a patent containing claims              
          8-14, which claims correspond to the count in interference.                 
          Judgment is also entered against Charles O. Thompson, the                   
          senior party, on the ground of unpatentability.  Charles O.                 
          Thompson is not entitled                                                    
          to his patent claims 1-7, which claims correspond to the count              
          in interference.                                                            

                         IAN A. CALVERT               )                               
                         Administrative Patent Judge  )                               
                                                       )   BOARD OF                   
                         WILLIAM F. PATE, III         )     APPEALS AND               


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