THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 33

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          relationship with the merits of the invention.  See Stratoflex              
          Inc. v. Aeroquip Corp., 713 F.2d 1530, 1539, 218 USPQ 871, 879              
          (Fed. Cir. 1983).                                                           
                    The senior party references the junior party’s                    
          exhibit A, JX-A, the facsimile from Henson to Brammer, which                
          includes Henson’s handwritten notation, “If we can make this -              
          - I can sell thousands of them--call me--Jim H.”  The senior                
          party argues that this is some sort of evidence of the                      
          popularity of the subject matter of the senior party’s claims.              
          In our view, this statement by Henson on the facsimile                      
          provides little evidence regarding long-felt need, commercial               
          success or recognition by the public.                                       

          Most importantly, the statement is prospective in nature.  It               
          is merely an anecdotal prediction by Henson.  We must                       
          emphasize that the senior party has provided no evidence that               
          thousands of the reflectors have actually been sold.  The                   
          senior party has also failed to provide any evidence regarding              
          the nexus between the claimed invention and any sales.  The                 


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