THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 26

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                    Exhibit 5 is several pages from the IES Lighting                  
          Hand- book.  These pages bear a printed date of 1947.  On page              
          M-178, two streetlight fixtures are described. The second                   
          OV-18, is a Luminaire with a universal metal head and a metal               
          reflector having a parabolic contour with a metal skirt.  The               

          bottom of the lamp filament is approximately e of an inch                   
          above the skirt which is described as giving a cutoff of                    
          substantially 90E, viz., an absolute cutoff of 85E.  The                    
          design is acknowledged to provide more light “up and down the               
          street” with reduced glare.  By locating the lamp up in the                 
          reflector, the lamp      is “given added protection from                    
          outside forces.”                                                            
                    Exhibit 5 differs from the senior party’s claimed                 
          subject matter in that it is not stated that the reflector is               
          made of spun aluminum with a matte finish.  We note that,                   
          while Exhibit 5 has a flange or skirt at the bottom of its                  
          parabolic contour, such is not precluded by the senior party’s              
          claims.    No latches are expressly shown by Exhibit 5.                     


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