THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 29

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

          reflector and dispense with the refractor on the prior art                  
          NEMA head disclosed in the senior party’s patent.                           
                    We also acknowledge the declarations of Messrs.                   
          Wilkerson and Kenyon.  Inasmuch as we have compared the                     
          closest prior art to the senior party’s patent claims and                   
          found no prior art reference to be anticipatory, we do not                  
          credit the declara- tions to the extent that they are directed              
          to the motion’s allegation that the subject matter of the                   
          senior party claims are                                                     
          anticipated.  With respect to Wilkerson’s statements in the                 
          declaration that the Highbay fixture had been pole mounted                  
          outdoors, the statement was retracted as “probably wrong” in                
          cross-examination.  JR65.  With respect to Kenyon’s testimony,              
          Kenyon only knew of one instance where a Highbay-type fixture               
          was used outdoors.  Kenyon stated that this type of fixture                 
          had been suspended from overhead wires or catenaries in a rail              
          yard.  JP82.  However, it seems clear, from the Hubbell                     
          catalog page                                                                

          exhibit, that only the enclosed embodiment is recommended for               
          wet locations, and the enclosed embodiment has a glass lens                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007