THOMPSON et al. V. THOMPSON - Page 25

          Interference No. 103,878                                                    

                    Documentary Exhibit 3 is several pages from the                   
          Hubbell Commercial/Industrial Buyers Guide bearing a printed                
          date of April 26, 1990.  Page 202 describes Industrial Highbay              
          light fixtures.  These fixtures are supplied in both enclosed               
          and open designs.  While the enclosed fixture has a clear                   
          glass element permanently spun on the reflector, the open unit              
          is entirely open to the atmosphere as claimed in the senior                 
          party’s involved patent claims.  The reflector of the highbay               
          fixture is unitary and spun from aluminum with a matte finish.              
          It has the claimed parabolic shape and provides the claimed                 
          90E cutoff at a horizontal plane.  Finally, the highbay                     
          reflector has latches   to hold the reflector to the fixture                
                    The highbay fixture of Exhibit 3 merely differs from              
          the senior party patent’s claimed subject matter in that the                
          highbay is not certified for outdoor or wet locations, and                  
          while the highbay is disclosed as mounted from a depending                  
          nipple, there is no disclosure of mounting the structure on a               


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